Sunday, April 6, 2008

Indie bands that it's mandatory to like, that I don't like, and why I don't, and why maybe I should.

Neighborhood #2 (Laika)
By Arcade Fire

You already have a whole bunch of Arcade Fire songs, but if I was going to point out one it would be this (which I think you don't have) and No Cars Go (which I think you might have).

Why I don't like them:
I dunno... they have a ridiculous amount of members for a start and they just kinda carry on, on stage, like they are just having a good time and getting lost in the music but I dunno, it always seems so kind of put on and contrived to me. But then again... I'm a gigantic cynic, coz we all know you can't have fun playing music... It's serious business dammit!
Anyway, they are also one of those indie bands of the time (admittedly, they may have started it) that feature warbling almost shouted male vocals that make a point of not being perfect. I mean, I love hearing vocals with character over what would be classed "perfect vocals" but I dunno it just seemed a little over the top.
Also, the first song I heard from them (Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)) bugged the hell out of me. And first impressions count.

Why I should maybe think again:
There are a few songs by them that I do like, and plus recently I heard Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels) and found it to be one of the greatest and most touching songs I've ever heard.

By Sufjan Stevens

Why I don't like him:
He's soooo ridiculously overhyped by the American music scene for a start. Plus, he's decided (a while ago, mind you) that he was going to do a project where he does an album for each of the states of the US while he travels around it. So far, he's made an album for Illinois and an album of songs that didn't weren't good enough to make it onto his Illinois album. At this rate, he should be finished his 51st state by the time he's 80.
I dunno.. I guess I just find him really pretentious. I think its a kind of thing where if you act pretentious enough and do something arty, people will assume that you must be some kind of genius and that they just don't get it, so they tell other people they get it to seem clever and it ends up snowballing until the original pretentious guy is some kind of demi-god. I assume all modern art is a little like that.
Also, I really hate his name. What kind of a parent calls there son Sufjan?

Why I should maybe think again:
As pretentious as he is, he does have a knack for making some beautiful music. I think it's probably a little unfair for me to hate his music just because he's a bit of a wanker when I make similar concessions for Australian artists (e.g. Tim Rodgers...). Still though, none of his other music has really stuck out (or even got that popular). He did do an excellent cover of a Joanie Mitchell song (Free man in Paris) for some cover CD that features some serious trumpet work, but two good songs in no way justifies the amount of hype he gets.

By Modest Mouse

Why I don't like them:
For a start, see the Arcade Fire section for warbling almost shouted male vocals, because Modest Mouse was another band leading the charge with that. I guess that was the major issue with this band. I didn't particularly get into the songs from the first album (the big ones were Float On and Ocean Breathes Salty) , although I would dance about to them while drunk, they weren't really that special. So yeah.. I guess thats about it for why I didn't like this band.. I just couldn't get why everyone else thought they were so good...

Why I should maybe think again:
...That was until I heard this song of course, which is a driving powerhouse that I defy anyone to not tap their feet along to. Not that any of the other songs on the album struck me that hard, with the possibility of Fire It Up being an exception, but this song almost makes up for it. Also, it has an awesome film clip about fishing.

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